Activation of the Labyrinth

Activation of the labyrinthActivation of the Labyrinth is part of the LightWorkers series and was channeled by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center.

Labyrinths have been around and created for the past four thousand years. They are ceremonial pathways. Symbolic of one’s life journey, this sacred symbol combines the spiral and the circle. The labyrinth is a powerful prayer and meditation tool. They have been found in churches, gardens, sculpted and hand held, etched into stones and coins. They are often confused with mazes. Mazes were made for fun and entertainment. They have dead ends and crazy twists and turns. They are more of a puzzle to be solved.

The Labyrinth takes you deeper into yourself where you connect with Divine energy, then emerge into the world with a clarity and peace that was not present before walking the circle.

There are two basic types of Labyrinths (some sources state three and name a twelve circuit). For this activation, Chartres and the Classical or Cretan are used.The Chartres has the strongest history with Christian faith. They are 11 circuited with four quadrants. The quadrants represent emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. You achieve balance in your inner work here.

The Cretan is a seven circuit or Classic Seven aka Classical design.In building this type of labyrinth you begin with a cross in the middle and work outward. It is traveled like all other, you enter from the outside. The seven circuits can also be used with chakra work. Each circuit represents one of the chakras and as you walk knowing the corresponding “color” and musical notes can give a new perspective to your journey.

You may also be interested in Activation of the Shaman and Activation of the Medicine Wheel, both by Lisa Center.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Activation of the Labyrinth distance attunement via chi ball
-Activation of the Labyrinth original manual, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Activation of the Labyrinth – £10


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