About Me and Healing

Thank you for joining me here!

My name is Amanda Hadley. I have been actively interested in Reiki, energy healing, spirituality, yoga and all things to do with alternative healing, holistic and complementary therapies for nearly 30 years. I am a qualified Reiki Master, Yoga teacher and holistic therapist.

I have used Reiki distant healing for many years to help support and bring comfort to others. Energy has amazing powers to travel through time and space and the more I practise energy healing the more incredible benefits and wonderful healing properties unfold before me.

Upon realising that the same principles that apply to sending energy for distant healing can be applied to energy attunements and empowerments enormous possibilities opened up. I’m also very excited to launch my own systems that I have channeled over the last few years, New Earth Energies Systems

I created this website as a means of reaching out farther, worldwide, and offering my knowledge, support and encouragement to anyone who wishes to further their spiritual journey with me. All the courses, attunements and empowerments are designed for you to complete at your own pace and in your own space, whilst having my full support just an e-mail away. The New Earth Blog I hope will inspire and motivate you to explore new ideas and practises.

I am passionate about discovering new ways of exploring and expanding these natural energies all around us both for personal development and healing purposes.

We are all powerful spiritual beings capable of changing our lives and making a difference in this world and I believe that the abundant universal energies available to us are a natural and gentle way forward for us to harmonise and cultivate peace on this earth.

I hope you enjoy looking through the pages of my site and wish you much peace and light on your journey,




New Systems by Amanda

Amanda Hadley Atlantean and Lemurian Reiki Attunements £21- £30 Dragon Reiki Attunements New Earth Energies Systems Self-Development

Dragons of Lemuria Attunement

Amanda Hadley Attunements £21- £30 Clearing Reiki Healing Reiki Attunements New Earth Energies Systems Self-Development

The Lion’s Gate Portal Transmission Energies

Amanda Hadley Attunements £16- £20 Chakra and Aura Reiki Attunements Clearing Reiki New Earth Energies Systems Self-Development

Earth Star Chakra Cleanse and Activate

Amanda Hadley Attunements £16- £20 Clearing Reiki New Earth Energies Systems

Space Clearing Reiki

Amanda Hadley Attunements £16- £20 Chakra and Aura Reiki Attunements Clearing Reiki New Earth Energies Systems

Foot Chakras Cleanse and Activate

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