Activation of the Medicine Wheel

Activation of the Medicine Wheel

Activation of the Medicine Wheel is another beautiful modality channeled by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center from the International Lightworkers Series.

The circle of life is reflected throughout Nature; the Moon, the Sun and Mother earth. There have been “circles” found all over the world. Are they vortexes where healing energy can be given and received? Are they maps to the heavens through representation of the Moon and Sun? Are they nothing more than huge calendars? The Native Nations of North America created many wheels that are still present today. It is said that if you follow the Sacred Hoop and consider the lessons you learn there, it will change you. It is the Medicine Wheel that connects us to ourselves and the rest of the Universe.

Medicine in this text refers to anything that promotes harmony in our earthly walk. Some people see dis-ease as nothing more than disharmony within the soul of the person. The true meaning of medicine as it is used in this case is nothing more than Spiritual energy. For example, when you become attuned to the Medicine of Coyote, you call the spiritual energy of Coyote to you. When you walk the wheel you call the energy of the Creator, your totems, the Stone people, Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and more.

There are four directions to the Medicine wheel. Each direction has specific gifts and teachings. This activation will ask you to open your eyes to the gifts that are uniquely yours. This circle can be applied to a day, a year or a lifetime.

You may also be interested in Activation of the Labyrinth , or Activation of the Shaman

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Activation of the Medicine Wheel distance attunement via chi ball
-Activation of the Medicine Wheel  original manual, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Activation of the Medicine Wheel – £10


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