Chakra Balancing Mudra Empowerment

Chakra Balancing Mudra EmpowermentBalance your chakras easily and effectively using mudras. Chakra Balancing Mudra Empowerment is a simple yet powerful empowerment  founded by Reiki Master Jean Myrner.

Chakra balancing can be done using mantras and mudras with intent. Simply hold the mudra and say the mantra or hold the mudra while meditating on the mantra.

The manual contains for each of the seven chakras: picture of each mudra, information about chakra location, colour, stone/crystal, short description and affirmation.

Although not required, some knowledge of healing and energy work is useful before taking this attunement.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Chakra Balancing Mudra Empowerment distance attunement via chi ball
-Chakra Balancing Mudra original  manual by Jean Myrner, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate if requested (sorry no lineage available)
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

You may also be interested in Divine Blessing Shakti also by Jean Myrner or Chandra Aura Reiki by Sastra Vardhana.

Chakra Balancing Mudra Empowerment -£10


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