Below is a selection of free eBooks for you to download for personal use, please note that these are for personal use only and cannot be shared or sold by you after download.
I will be adding new free eBooks over the coming months.
Reiki -A Guide to Some of The Many Uses and Different Types of Reiki as an Energy Healing System
Written by Amanda Hadley
Pages -26
This short e-book has been written with the intention of exploring what Reiki is, what it can do and ways to use it. It examines traditional Usui Reiki and other healing systems available.
This is a brief guide to What is Reiki, Reiki as energy healing, Reiki today, what can Reiki do, different innovative ways of practising and using Reiki energy.
Tantra Badha Mukti
Written by Rishi Rohit Sharma
Pages – 207
Powerful spiritual protection. Tantra Badha refers to spiritual blockages caused by negative energies, black magic, evil eye, or karmic ties. This book offers practical solutions to help you break these bindings and live a life of freedom and spiritual clarity.This transformative guide will show you how to identify and remove negative spiritual influences using ancient techniques like mantras, rituals, Reiki, and energy healing.
Distant Attunements GuideBook
Written by Amanda Hadley
Pages – 15
This guide is suitable for those who are new to distant attunements and chi ball method. It looks at:
What Are Distant Attunements? Distant Attunement Benefits,
What is a Chi Ball? How to Receive a Distant Attunement
What Will I feel During a Distant Attunement? The Healing Crisis
Grounding After Attunements
How to Meditate
Written by Rohit Sharma
Pages – 319
A comprehensive guide on meditation, its benefits for the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. This wonderful eBook explores many different styles of meditation such as angel meditation, buddhist meditation, fasting meditation and different meditation techniques such as , walking meditation, chakra meditation, mindful meditation, sleep meditation, rainbow meditation and many more. It contains many useful tips and advice for meditation practise and has something for eveyone, regardless of your experience level in meditation.
The Law of Attraction in Action
Pages – 59
How to put the law of attraction into action for your life!
The Law of Attraction has helped people get over fears, attain their desires, meet the right people, and otherwise make their dreams come true.
This guide helps you put the law of attraction into action by covering 6 common myths of the law of attraction which hold a lot of people back and offering steps to overcome these myths and use the Law of Attraction to your own advantage in your life.
Unlocking the Akashic Records
Written by Rishi Rohit Sharma
Pages – 207
Discover the Cosmic Library of Your Soul’s Past,Present, and Future.
The Akashic Records are not just a record of your past. They are a living, dynamic archive that holds the key to your soul’s evolution. They remind us that we are the authors of our own stories, with the power to heal, grow, and create new possibilities. The Records are always available to those who seek them with an open heart and a clear intention. Are you ready to access the wisdom of your soul?
Fearless You
Pages – 43
How to Conquer Your Fears using Simple Techniques and Live a Better Life.
This self-help book is supportive and easy to follow, it can help you identify the causes of your fears, determine which fears are rational and which are not, swap your negative thoughts for positive ones, challenge yourself to take risks, use imagery to alleviate your fears and practice daily meditation to reduce stress. There are many tips and suggestions for overcoming fears and changing your mindset.