Life Path Reiki Levels 1&2

Life Path Reiki Levels 1&2Energies to help follow your true life path. Life Path Reiki levels 1&2 was channeled by Reiki Master Stephanie Brail in 2007.

In the manual to accompany these 2 attunements the founder explains, “Life Path Reiki works to clear and neutralise blocks and resistance to your true life path. It helps to light the way and provide guidance on the spiritual life journey. It assists in making decisions, finding helpers along the way and deciding on proper courses of action.

Life path Reiki helps to dissolve blocks and distractions to following a true life path by working to spiritually align the individual with the soul’s true purpose. Spiritual alignment means that who you are out in the world is a reflection of your true self, your soul.”

The two attunements are:
Life Path Reiki Level 1 – Spiritual Alignment– brings in spiritual energy to clear blocks and align the person with their life path.
Life Path Reiki Level 2 – Life Path Expression – the person’s life path vision is energised and their energy is put forth into the world, enabling the person to manifest their true life path.

You will learn about;
-Blocks to following a life path
-Becoming spiritually aligned
-Applying Life Path Reiki
-Angels and other spiritual helpers
-Creating and manifesting a clear vision

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Life Path Reiki Levels 1 & 2 – two distance attunements via chi ball
-Life Path Reiki two original manuals by Stephanie Brail, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

You may also be interested in New Life Reiki, also by Stephanie Brail

Life Path Reiki Levels 1&2 – £24


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