Magickal Lightworker Program

Magickal Lightworker Program This is a truly amazing program that encompasses the twelve Universal laws and how to use them with magic and lightwork.  Magickal Lightworker Program was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Linda Colibert. There are six attunements that connect you to different aspects of the Universe to help you. The course consists of 7 manuals, an initiation manual and a manual for each of the six attunements. In the initiation manual Linda Colibert explains,

“You might be surprised to learn that Magick is all around you, even if you are not aware of it. And you might be even more surprised to discover that there is nothing mysterious about it. The source of Magick and Lightwork is everywhere—in you, me, the Earth, and the stars. It is the life force, the chi, the prana, the very energy that gives you life, and it courses through everything that exists, ever has existed, and ever will exist. Magick, you see, is energy and the ability to influence the way this energy manifests.

It is the pure potential energy, the power to create. And Lightwork is Magick guided by Universal Love, the greatest power in existence. So you see, Magickal Lightwork is the energy to create, to manifest with skill, combined with pure unconditional love. The two compliment each other and make the energies stronger.

Energy, as you know, cannot be destroyed—it only transforms. It changes from one form to another, and back again. It is always moving, changing, and transforming. Magick is the art of influencing the transformation of this ever changing, ever moving energy to manifest on the physical plane your desires.

How do you do this? And how does Lightwork fit in? Lightwork stems from Reiki energies. Reiki is a form of energy healing that comes from the same source as Magick. Where Magick leans heavily on manifestation of your desires by influencing energy to transform your situation or circumstances. Lightwork is working with the Universal energies of creation to clear away all negativity and replace it with love and light to heal any illness and situation. When Magick and Lightwork are combined, the power to change your life is enhanced.

Everyone has the power to create their own lives in the way they choose. We are all divine energy. We are co-creators with the life force, and we can transform our lives by the power of our free will and beliefs. The source of Magick and Lightwork is energy. It is non-denominational, non-biased, and it does not judge. This energy is the life force energy, and no matter what name you give it, it is available to us all on equal terms. There are rules, the Universal Laws that govern how this energy can be transmuted, changed, and transformed, but these Laws apply to everyone and everything equally.”

The twelve Universal Laws are;
The Universal Law of Oneness
Law of Vibration
The Universal Law of Action
Universal Law of Correspondence
Universal Law of Cause and Effect
Universal Law of Compensation
Universal Law of Attraction
Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Universal Law of Relativity
Universal Law of Polarity
Universal Law of Rhythm
Universal Law of Gender

The six attunements in Magickal Lightworker Program that you will receive are;

  1. Higher Self Connection – When you are able to connect with your Higher Self, you will have access to the energy of pure light and wisdom. Magickal Lightwork Program Higher Self attunement will raise your vibration, strengthen your connection, and speed up your ascension and ability to connect to your Higher Self.
  2. Angels Connection – Angels are all around us. They watch over us, and bring us comfort when we are having trials and challenges in life.
  3. Fairies Connection – Magickal Lightwork Program Fairy attunement will help you to connect with the Fairies and will strengthen your connection to them. Fairies can see the light shining within Lightworkers. They can sense and feel your love and kindness.
  4. Dragons Connection – Dragons will lend their energies and power to your Magickal Lightwork, and they will offer guidance and wisdom to keep you on track in your life path. Magickal Lightwork Program Dragon attunement connects you to the energies of Dragons, and will strengthen your connection.
  5. Goddess Connection– Throughout ancient times, the Goddess has brought balance to the Universe through the feminine aspect of Divinity. This attunement works with the feminine energies of Divinity—the Goddess.
  6. Guides Connection – Working with your Guides will help your spiritual ascension, and enhance psychic abilities. Magickal Lightwork Program Guides attunement will help you to connect easier and accelerate your spiritual growth.

You will receive ALL six of the above attunements. You will also receive a manual for each attunement and an initiation manual (38 pages) which is full of information about the program, the Universal laws, magic and lightwork.

Although not required, some knowledge of healing and energy work would be beneficial before taking these attunements.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

–Magickal Lightworker Program 6 distance attunements sent to you via chi ball method
–Magickal Lightworker Program original manuals by Linda Colibert (seven in total), digital download
–bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
–certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program also by Linda Colibert

Magickal Lightworker Program – £69


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