Ma’heo’o Reiki

Ma'heo'o ReikiCombines Mother Earth and Spirit in perfect harmony. Ma’heo’o Reiki was channeled and written by Sheryl Rain Carter.

Shanti Johnson author of Spiritual Spa Therapies reviews the system as, ” a beautiful blend of Sheryl Rain Carter’s clear and precise channeling information and her Native American heritage. This synergistically creates an incredible healing system.”

Ma’heo’o  is Cheyenne for “Great Spirit, Great One or God” . Ma’heo’o Reiki combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively activate and promote healing in the human condition. This system is simple yet very powerful.

There are seven symbols in this system. The first four symbols correspond to the elements and enable us to connect with and channel Mother Earth’s energy- these  combined with the other three symbols of Great Spirit makes this a very powerful system. Ma’heo’o Reiki combines the gentleness of traditional Reiki with the raw energy of the Earth elements. Ma’heo’o can bring you into contact with your spirit totems, give you your sacred name and balance your body with the four elements of the Earth.

There are three attunements in Ma’heo’o Reiki. The first two enable a stronger  connection and heightened awareness of the elements through Mother Earth. The third is Master level which connects you with the Great Spirit, enabling you to harness the power of Earth and Spirit.

The course manual contains the following:

Introduction and background to Ma’heo’o Reiki- the sacred path, oral traditions, traditional Reiki.
Spirituality – Native and Reiki
Creating a Medicine Wheel-types of Medicine Wheel, Medicine Wheel ceremony.
Spirit Guides and Helpers-contacting your spirit guides and connecting with your power animal
Working with the Elements- earth, air, water, fire and Spirit
Chakra and Nadis systems- chakra chart, energy flow chart, awareness technique-learning the energy flow
Awareness and Breath – chakra awareness, psychic breathing, sacred circuit technique
Ma’heo’o Symbols
Attunement Information and Process
Healing Treatments-using Ma’heo’o Reiki in person, for distance healing, self healing and group healing.

Although not required, some knowledge of Reiki and energy work is useful before taking these attunements.

All 3 attunements will be sent in one session as 3 separate chi balls for you to call in, in your own time, when you feel ready.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-All three Ma’heo’o Reiki Attunements -3 distance attunements sent via chi ball method
-Ma’heo’o Reiki original manual by Sheryl Rain Carter (93 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras,  self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Ama Deus Shamanic Reiki

Ma’heo’o Reiki – £40


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