Reiki Sparkles Attunement

Reiki Sparkles attunementBeautiful, sparkling energies to uplift, restore and heal. Reiki Sparkles attunement was channelled by Reiki Master Rishi Rohit Sharma in 2023.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “I found this system accidentally and was stunned by its power and beauty of this system. As I was channeling a lot of systems. And sending a lot of healing energies to family friends and my student I was feeling very low that morning. I took shower and ate breakfast and then it was time to send healing energy to a group of my students…. Suddenly I saw a lot of sparkles, I was channeling them and sending them…The energy was very soothing refreshing and uplifting….The energy had pure reiki energy with physical and emotional healing. This energy is a boon for healers and other people who feel drained or low after performing some healing works.

Reiki Sparkles benefits:
1. Healing: Reiki Sparkles have pure reiki energy so they are capable of healing physical and emotional issues.
2. Happiness: Whenever we are happy, we always give our best. Reiki Sparkles has the energy of happiness and can help you to achieve your goals with ease.
3. Confidence: Reiki sparkles will increase your confidence and you shine like a diamond.
4. Hidden Talents: Reiki sparkles will ignite your hidden talents and qualities that will change your life. This energy will also boost your lower three chakras.
5. Enlightenment: Reiki sparkles will bring enlightenment and you will be able to understand yourself your surroundings and this universe in a better way.”

These energies can be used for self healing and healing others.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

–Reiki Sparkles distant attunement sent to you via chi ball method
–Reiki Sparkles original manual by Rishi Rohit Sharma (17 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Please note the price is fixed by the founder

Reiki Sparkles attunement – £25


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