Rose Reiki

Rose ReikiConnect with the beautiful energies of the Rose light, enhancing self-love, confidence, healing and inner radiance.  Rose Reiki – The Rose Light Healing Ray of the Divine Feminine Light was channelled by Ishtara Rose.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “The rose light healing ray is both a reiki ray attunement and it is an initiation into the path of the divine feminine to be a channel for the rose light. This Rose healing light is so beautiful to use for yourself and for others, and once you are attuned you can simply call it in anytime and it brings in a beautiful healing light of the rose of the mers. It is especially good for self love and inner beauty and grace, for self esteem and self worth, for rose radiance connection, and for womb radiance and blessings. It allows you to be a direct channel for Her beautiful rose essence and grace, whenever the Divine Feminine ray is needed in the purest of forms. The Rose Light healing ray is held by Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis, Quan Yin and Aphrodite and other Goddesses.

The Divine Feminine ray, symbolised by rose, activates Divine Feminine Light upon our Earth and will bring in ascension. This rose ray reiki is an aspect of Divine Feminine and holds her Light. Many rays hold different energies and aspects of Her and of the Light. The rose holds emotional healing, self love, self worth, deep inner inner beauty, radiance and grace, sensuality, femininity, em-powerment through softness and gentleness which can also be very powerful and strong.

This activation will enable you to bring in the Divine Feminine ray as a healing ray for yourself, other people, animals plants and the planet. You may use it in healings, in the same ways as reiki.”

You will receive an attunement via chi ball and a beautiful  audio self-initiation ceremony to be listened to after your attunement.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

–Rose Reiki attunement – distant attunement sent to you via chi ball method
–Rose Reiki original manual by Ishtara Rose (15 pages), digital download
-Rose Reiki Self-initiation MP3 audio by Ishtara Rose
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Rose Reiki – £25


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