Sacred Mountains Sacred Earth Shamanic Healing System

Sacred Mountains, Sacred Earth Shamanic Healing SystemPowerful Shamanic energies for clearing, healing, protection and more. Sacred Mountains, Sacred Earth Shamanic Healing System was channelled  by Reiki Master Philip Hilton.

The energy of this Healing System comes from the purest source and is perfect for many different applications, from healing and protection to clearing and negative energy removal.

There are 3 activations in this system, that you will receive during your attunement. They are:
The Chumpi Band Activation- this places a link into your energy system to both the Chumpi stones mountain energies and the chakra clearing and activation processing current, which is inherent within this particular stream of energy.

The Stone Hands Activation-This gives you an inner energetic boost for both distance work and empathic experiences.

The Double Crystal Skull Activation -This works to balance your own chakra system and allows you to channel the same balancing energies for the purposes of healing, clearing and removal.

The system uses 3 symbols.

The manual contains information on the following:
* Ancestor spirit calling flutes.
* Chumpi Stones of the Andes. What they are and their use in healing.
* Sacred Andean Healing Hands. Perfect for distance healing work.
* Crystal Skulls- how they can be utilised in a healing session.
* Palo Santo- The Holy Wood of The Andes, its use and purpose.
* The Medicine Wheel of the Inca.
* The Mesa Cloth- its use application and purpose.
* Medicinal plants of Peru for healing and spiritual purposes.
* Sacred Inca Hymns, for greater energetic connection.

Although not required, previous knowledge of energy work would be advantageous before taking this attunement.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Sacred Mountains, Sacred Earth Shamanic Healing System distance attunement via chi ball
-Sacred Mountains, Sacred Earth Shamanic Healing System original manual by Philip Hilton (26 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Please note that the price of this attunement is fixed by the founder

Sacred Mountains, Sacred Earth Shamanic Healing System – £25


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