Send and surround any animal in protective energy. This is a lovely attunement for anyone who loves animals and wishes to help protect them. Animal Protection Reiki was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Linda Colibert in 2010. The Animal Protection Reiki works to surround animals, pets, and endangered species of animals with protection. Your …
Tag: Attunements £11-£15
Horse Empowerment
Align with the majestic energy and Horse medicine. Horse Empowerment was channeled by Elizabeth (Starlightowl) Hibel. Horse’s medicine includes power, stamina,endurance, faithfulness, freedom to run free, awareness of power achieved with true cooperation,expanding one’s own potential abilities, friendship and cooperation, travel, astral travel, guide to overcoming obstacles. The horse is the symbol of the wind, …
Lunar Light Reiki Attunement
High, vibrant energy of the Moon for healing. Lunar Light Reiki Attunement was founded by Ole Gabrielsen. It is a simple yet very effective energy. The energy of the moon, like the energy of the sun, is very beneficial in healing sessions. Lunar light Reiki has many excellent properties. The most important here is emotional …
Telos Healing System Reiki
Telos is an ancient Lemurian city that exists right beneath Mount Shasta. It’s a real city in the physical realm, with over 1 million inhabitants that are living in peace and prosperity. Telos Healing System was founded by Ole Gabrielsen. The city of Telos has a very special frequency of love. This energy is …
Akashic Records Reiki Attunement
Past, present and future knowledge of all things. Akashic is Sanskrit for “primary substance”. The Akashic Records are known by different names throughout the world – such titles as: The Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the Soul Records. It is the universal filing system …
Solar Light Reiki Attunement
The warm, high vibrant loving energy of the sun that is very beneficial in healing sessions. Solar light Reiki has many excellent properties and the most important is healing and regeneration. Solar Light Reiki Attunement is a wonderful and yet simple energy system founded by Ole Gabrielsen. Please see end of post for special offer …
Colour Reiki For Children
This is a lovely, gentle system of Reiki that can be of great healing benefit to children. It was founded by P. Rose and R.Anthony and Nicole Lanning. Colour Reiki for Children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune children to the vibrational level of the different colours that correspond to …
Celtic Wisdom Reiki Attunement
Balancing, grounding energies connecting to nature and Celtic healing. This energy system was channelled and created by Steve Malcolm to celebrate the energies from the Summer Solstice 2003. Please note that you need to be attuned to Usui Reiki Master level in order to receive the Celtic Wisdom Reiki Energy attunement. There are 10 symbols that …
Golden Ray Reiki Empowerment
This is a gentle, beautiful Empowerment from Ole Gabrielsen the founder of Kundalini Reiki and many other Reiki attunements and systems. In Golden Ray Reiki Empowerment Ole focuses his teachings on the healing power of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not only important, it is completely necessary to do, in order to evolve further and progress your spiritual advancement! Forgiving …