The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 4

The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 4Energies to help activate the higher chakras 23-25. The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 4 was channelled by Reiki Master Jay Burrell.

Pre-requisite- The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 3

The Celestial Chakra Activation System has 5 levels to awaken the higher chakras from 8-40, this is the level 4 attunement to activate the celestial chakras 23-25. You must have received attunements 1-3 previously before you can take this level.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “These activations to your Celestial Chakras are being given to help you connect with the Divine Being that you truly are meant to be. These Activations will also help you to activate your God Self and Christ Consciousness so that you will resonate at a Higher Vibrational Rate which in turn will increase the Power and Intensity of your Healing Abilities. In reality, you will begin to channel a much more refined energy to yourself and your clients during your Healing Sessions.

The 23rd Chakra – is also known as “The Transmission Chakra”. When activated, your Consciousness is able to pass through the Cosmic Portal to access your Higher Consciousness (Higher Selves). It is here that you will meld into the Oneness of Divine Love.

The 24th Chakra – is also known as “The Teleportation Chakra”. This Chakra is also quite often called the “First Contact Portal”. When this Portal is activated, the path is cleared to connect with all Humanoid Beings of Light within the Galaxy. Once this Chakra is unlocked and activated, your LightBody or Merkabah Space Time Vehicle is also activated and built up. This enables you to Etherically Teleport to the realms of the Arcturians where you will receive an Etheric Scan and Healing by the Arcturian Technicians.

The 25th Chakra – is also known as “The Unity of Christ Consciousness”. This Chakra is the final Gateway to increasing the Subtle and more Sublime Energies of Oneness and Unity with the Vibrational Energies of the Christ Consciousness and works to strengthen your connection with Source Energy. As this Chakra is Activated, Expanded and Aligned with all other Chakras within your Spiritual Body you will start to feel a sense of connection with everything and everyone.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 4 distance attunement sent to you via chi ball method
-The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 4 original manual by Jay Burrell (10 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Please note the price is fixed by the founder

The Celestial Chakra Activation Level 4 – £15

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