The Violet Flame of Transmutation

the Violet Flame of TransmutationEnergies to heal, purify, cleanse and transmute negativity to light and divine love. The Violet Flame of Transmutation is one of my own attunements channeled in 2022. Please note that you will need to be attuned to Usui Reiki Level 2 before receiving this attunement.

The Violet Flame is by no means a new energy, there have been many modalities of the Violet Flame before, this is the energy that I have channeled.

The Violet Flame is an intense spiritual energy of transformation that can quickly and effectively transmute negative to positive. It works on all levels of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The Violet Flame can help eradicate conscious and unconscious fears, remove blockages, transmute heavy emotions such as anger, insecurity, guilt, hate, regret, etc. It can transmute negative belief systems, thought patterns, stagnant energy and limiting beliefs. It can help us release the past, pain, emotional wounds. It can also help bring to the forefront things that we have not confronted, that are causing dis-ease and imbalance. It can help to purify, transmute and empower us. It can help transmute and purify negative karma and free us of blockages.

The Violet Flame can help heal the physical body, eliminating all that is not needed or wanted, revitalising cells and renewing us. Diseases and illnesses in the physical body are often directly related to our emotional and mental states of being. The Violet Flame can help heal us on a physical level, healing from within, removing destructive energy patterns and karma that can cause physical illness to manifest. The power of transmutation to heal issues and problems in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation can be used to;
-Remove all types of negativity
-Self-healing, mind, body and spirit
-Healing others
-Healing relationships
-Healing situations
-Overcome obstacles
-Heal society, global healing

This system has two symbols and works with decrees and visualisation.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Violet Flame of Transmutation – distance attunement sent via chi ball
-The Violet Flame of Transmutation, original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation-£25


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