Celtic Signs Collection Sagittarius Goddess Sadbh

Celtic Signs Collection Sagittarius Goddess SadbhConnection to Sadbh or Sadhbh, Goddess of the Hunt. Celtic Signs Collection Sagittarius Goddess Sadbh was channelled by Reiki Masters Gabriela Yasmin Szafman and Maria João Sereno in 2010.

In the manual to accompany this empowerment the founders explain, “Sadbh is the Goddess of the Hunt and the Lady of all things wild. All women who have this archetype are very active, are independent, have their own thinking and are emancipated. The Sagitariana, as its ruler Goddess is active, cheerful, likes sports, is always a thousand. They prefer to meet exciting, adventurous, athletic and outdoors, instead of chocolates and flowers. Gentle and romantic schemes tend not to impress her. With the temperament governed by fire, they like to disagree with others, just to have a sense of freedom and, even in matters of the heart, always want to have the last word.

A Goddess of the Hunt warns that her life will be full of emotions and you should be ready to face these changes head-on. Let things roll and learn from your mistakes and successes, because you only grow if you have the courage to accept challenges.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Celtic Signs Collection Sagittarius Goddess Sadbh distance attunement via chi ball
-Celtic Signs Collection Sagittarius Goddess Sadbh original manual by Gabriela and Maria, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Celtic Signs Collection Sagittarius Goddess Sadbh- £15


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