Channeling Flush Empowerment

Channeling Flush EmpowermentChanneling Flush Empowerment is a powerful multi purpose flush, clearing the chakras and aura of negative energies and emotional injuries, allowing joy into your life, enabling you to channel information and also revitalising relationships with self and others. It was channeled and founded by Tracey Loper.

In her manual to accompany this empowerment Tracey writes,
“The Channeling Flush Empowerment is given to us from Spirit so that one can clear any blockages to channeling information and guidance, higher truth from the Higher Beings (Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, etc.) in the Spiritual Dimensions.

The Flush will wash away anything that blocks one from contact with the Higher Beings through channeling. It will assist one in bringing in the Higher Being(s) and allowing communication with or through one. This will allow one to access the whole of one’s entire being, the past, present and future self as well as all aspects of it so that one can channel all the wisdom available to the multidimensional self.

Any negative energies, fears or blockages preventing channeling will clear out of the chakras and energy bodies. New Light will enter the whole body showering one with the light surrounding and protecting one from any future unwanted energy preventing one’s flow as a channel.

The energy of this system will keep one safe and protected so that one can more fully experience the Higher Self and Spirit without any judgment. One will merge into one’s Higher Self being greeted with unconditional love and acceptance. The energy will leave one feeling refreshed, balanced and grounded”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Channeling Flush Empowerment distance attunement via chi ball
-Channeling Flush Empowerment original manual by Tracey Loper, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

You may also be interested in Empath Protection Activation and Clearing, also by Tracey Loper

Please note that the price of this empowerment is fixed by the founder.

Channeling Flush Empowerment – £20


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