Tag: Attunements £16- £20

Law of Abundance Empowerment Reiki

The Law of Abundance Empowerment Reiki

Energies to align with abundance and universal law. Law of Abundance Empowerment Reiki was channelled by Linda Howell (Linda Colibert) in 2022. In the manual to accompany this empowerment the founder explains, “In working with the Law of Abundance, you need to first understand that your supply is endless. It is energetically out there waiting …

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Aventurine Heart Comforter Attunement

Aventurine Heart Comforter Attunement

Energies to bring comfort to your heart and soul. Aventurine Heart Comforter Attunement was channelled by Reiki Master Cezary Wieczorek in 2024 In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “When we lack joy in life, we may feel that our fortune or luck has disappeared, and we may even feel treated unjustly. Lack …

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Herne the Hunter Initiation

Herne the Hunter Initiation

Powerful, nature energies for balance, strength and connectivity. Herne the Hunter Initiation was channelled by Reiki Master Philip Hilton. Prerequisite- Elen of the Ways Initiation and Healing System In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Herne The Hunter Initiation forms the masculine counterpart to Elen’s system. Herne The Hunter is something of …

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Foot Chakras Cleanse and Activate

Foot Chakras Cleanse and Activate

Cleanse, clear and awaken these important energy centres. Foot Chakras Cleanse and Activate is one of my own attunements, channelled in 2024. The Foot Chakras are classed as one of the minor chakras in our chakra system, but they play a very vital role in our wellbeing. The foot chakras work closely with the base …

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Unlimited Neural Remapping Activation

Unlimited Neural Remapping Activation

Cleanse and re-wire neural pathways, feel refreshed and revitalised. Unlimited Neural Remapping Activation was channelled by Reiki Master Cezary Wieczorek in 2024. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “The Unlimited Neural Remapping Activation system is a powerful tool designed to help spiritual healers cleanse their nervous system and rewire their neural …

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Third Eye Body Immune Kundalini

Third Eye Body Immune Kundalini

Intuition enhancer and immune system booster. Third Eye Body Immune Kundalini was channelled by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2020. In the manual to accompany this attunement, the founder explains, “This system works to open your third eye for intuitive healing and boosts your immune system to help with preventing illness. It helps …

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Golden Feather Purification Talisman from Thoth

Golden Feather Purification Talisman from Thoth

Energies of purification, renewal and spiritual growth. Golden Feather Purification Talisman from Thoth was channelled by Reiki Master Cezary Wieczorek in 2024. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “The Golden Feather of Thoth is like a magic wand for starting fresh in life. It’s a symbol of purification, sweeping away the …

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Releasing Emotions of a Heavy Heart Reiki

Energies to bring calm, peace and acceptance to your heart. Releasing Emotions of a Heavy Heart Reiki was channelled by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert in 2019. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “This system connects you to source energy and works with your heart chakra. It draws in personal …

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The Soul Visionary Shape Shifter

The Soul Visionary Shape-Shifter

Energies to integrate  past, present, and future and consciously create your life. The Soul Visionary Shape-Shifter was channelled by Reiki Master Cezary Wieczorek in 2024. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Your existence takes place not just in this physical world but also in different layers of reality that make up …

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The Gateway of Silence with Angel Sophia

The Gateway of Silence with Angel Sophia

Beautiful energies of self-discovery, support, growth and introspection. The Gateway of Silence with Angel Sophia was channelled by Reiki Master Cezary Wieczorek in 2024. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Entering The Gateway of Silence, you will uncover layers of existence where everything is interconnected, and the common essence of all …

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