Dimensional Healing Matrix Reiki

Dimensional Healing Matrix ReikiEnergies to help clear all timelines and access multidimensional healing. Dimensional Healing Matrix Reiki was channelled by Reiki Master Şenay Yıldırım in 2023.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “In simple terms, Dimensional Healing means healing beyond the physical dimension. This energy is a unique experience that allows you to reach an enhanced state of mental, emotional, physical, and energy balance.

This system involves clearing away all the negative distortions you carry in order to collect a piece of yourself from all frequencies and dimensions. Once you open up to the Multidimensional aspects of your life, you begin to see the bigger version of yourself and the bigger picture of your life.

Energetic, Healing will work in conjunction with other higher frequencies and universal forces as well as multi-dimensional work to meet your healing request, which will seek to clear your problem wherever it is located in your auric, etheric, and multiple world. It works in dimensional fields in all dimensions of space and time.

It will also be completely cleared from their charts. This will actually raise your vibration and frequency, thus giving you the opportunity to experience your best life ever! Spiritual Healing will create quite profound effects as it uses the higher vibrational frequencies that penetrate the deepest layers of your being and soul. When you release old structures, karmic patterns, contracts, schedules, traumas, and negative energies that are stored deep in your DNA structure and cellular memory, you are actually making more space in our energy field, which will allow more light to enter your life. (or higher frequencies) will flow into your being. This expansion will allow you to become aware of the vast nature of yourselves as multidimensional beings, rather than being limited to the third-dimensional being of your physicality.

The Dimensional Healing Matrix will not only help you heal and resolve the issues you carry throughout your life, but it will also help you realign with your multidimensional nature and the purpose of your true soul, allowing you to find your way back to the real world.”

Prior experience of energy work is recommended before taking this attunement.

This system is intended for self-healing and spiritual development.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

–Dimensional Healing Matrix Reiki distance attunement sent to you via chi ball method
–Dimensional Healing Matrix Reiki original manual by Şenay Yıldırım (29 pages), digital download
–bonus manuals including information about chakras,  self development, etc
–certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Dimensional Healing Matrix Reiki – SPECIAL  OFFER, only £39, (recommended price £75, but permission has kindly been given by the founder to offer at this special rate)

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