Dragons of Lemuria Attunement

Dragons of Lemuria attunementHigh vibrational energies for transformation, heightened awareness and expanded consciousness. Dragons of Lemuria attunement is one of my own systems, channelled in 2024.

The Dragons of Lemuria embodied Lemurian vibrations, they carried the light language, ancient wisdom and codes and guarded the seed crystals.

In Lemurian tradition, dragons were seen as sacred beings with a deep connection to the divine. They were often called on in spiritual practices to bring in their energies for healing, protection, transformation and enlightenment. The presence of dragons in Lemurian practises highlighted their importance as facilitators between the physical and spiritual realms.

The Dragons of Lemuria cohabited with the Lemurians, sharing their spiritual teachings and knowledge and aiding the evolution of their consciousness. The Lemurian Dragons aided spiritual awareness and connection to the cosmos, these highly intuitive beings enabled the Lemurians to grow in unity, to transcend the limitations of this physical plane and bring about an enlightened consciousness of divine love and harmony.

In modern times we are sadly not as evolved and enlightened as the Lemurians but we can still tap into the energies of the Dragons of Lemuria if we are of pure heart and are driven by a deep desire to expand our consciousness and understanding.

Some ways the Dragons of Lemuria energy can be used;
Strength and Power
Connection to nature
Guidance and support
Raising vibration
Expanding awareness
Increase the love vibration

The system uses 1 symbol and can be used for healing self or others.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Dragons of Lemuria -distance attunement via chi ball
-Dragons of Lemuria -original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Dragons of Lemuria Attunement – £18

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