We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Many people want to expand and explore their spirituality, many people already are, but often it becomes something separate from their everyday life. Something they feel they have to set time aside for each day, something that can be a wonderful release in that set aside time or something that unfortunately becomes a struggle to retain time for.
We all live busy lives, so instead of setting aside time for spiritual practise, why not incorporate it into your daily life? Why not see if it can manifest itself into a natural way of living, of bringing into complete balance your mind, body and soul?
The everyday spirituality course is designed to enable you to bring spirituality easily and effortlessly into your everyday life. The exercises, tips and techniques you will learn are simple but very effective and powerful, giving almost immediate results that will propel you to continue, develop and progress.
The Free Everyday Spirituality Course is a practical course, intended to motivate and inspire you to implement spiritual practices creatively in your life that quickly become positive habits that stay with you forever.
The everyday spirituality course is a free course, delivered to you via digital download. The course manual is easy to follow with information for each area of study and contains exercises and techniques for you to practise, along with lots of tips and ideas for further development along the way.
The everyday spirituality course has five areas of study.
- Gratitude– the power of gratitude and appreciation to focus your attention and bring more of what you desire into your life. The lessons and exercises are designed to flex and stretch your gratitude muscle, creating new paths for gratitude to be expressed and opening new avenues for positive possibilities to manifest in your daily life.
- Affirmations– affirmations are a powerful tool when used to their full potential, this section enables you to create believable affirmations that will work for you and with you as you grow and develop. It also offers many ways of practising affirmations that are fun and enjoyable to do each day.
- Breathing– how to practise conscious breathing to bring body, mind and spirit into harmony and utilise this powerful technique to enable your body and mind to act with your breathing instead of reacting to any negative or undesirable situations you may encounter.
- Meditation-time honoured basic meditation techniques and some new ideas of how to make any activity a meditation. Meditation is an incredibly powerful way of connecting to your spiritual self and enhancing your every day life.
- Mindfulness-living in harmony and peace with the present moment, this final section brings into play all of the other sections of the course and creates new awareness and possibilities for mindful living and practises.
The Everyday Spirituality Course is designed to be completed at your own pace and in your own space.
All the techniques in the everyday spirituality course are ones that I have used myself and found them to be effective and inspirational. I have spent many years reading books, attending workshops, studying various courses and trawling page after page online, getting inspired, getting excited, getting frustrated and all too often getting a bad back-my posture needs attention when I get engrossed in anything!
It is my sincere hope that what I have learnt and benefited from through these years I can now pass onto you in an easy to follow course that you can incorporate into any daily schedule you currently have and see wonderful changes unfold before you that maximise your health and well being and create a powerful feeling of connection and alignment between yourself and source energy.
Everyday Spirituality Course