The Divine Feminine Activation

The Divine Feminine ActivationGentle, nurturing energies to restore balance, harmony and love to your being. The Divine Feminine Activation is one of my own attunements, channelled in 2022.

The Divine feminine has nothing to do with being male or female, within every being there exists the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine energies…They are Yin and Yang. Within each of us there are both of these energies but they may not be evenly balanced. More and more men and women are looking to connect with the divine feminine, to return to a state of balance.

The Divine Feminine symbolises qualities such as;
Intuition, Nurturing, Gentleness, Compassion, Wisdom, Patience, Creativity, Love, Being

The Divine Feminine is a deeply gentle, nurturing, sensual energy. It is an energy that enables us to see the beauty in all things, to respect and show compassion to all things. It is a creative and powerful force that empowers and connects us in peace, love and harmony to all that is. It is an energy of pure unconditional love, an energy that enables us to deeply love and willingly accept ourselves and others without judgement.

It is an energy that awakens our natural instincts, our intuition, connecting us to powerful, healing earth magic, to nature, to our truest self.

The Divine Feminine Activation can be used to help;

  • Increase and expand self-love and appreciation
  • Enhance intuition and inner knowing
  • Being fully present and aware
  • Appreciate the beauty in all things
  • Increase unconditional love and acceptance for others
  • Creative energy and inspiration
  • Allowing- letting go and trusting
  • To be in a state of completeness
  • Inner peace
  • Connection to the divine
  • Being at one with the rhythm of life

This activation will help awaken and align you with your Divine Feminine Energies and connect you with the pure energies of Sacred Source to bring balance, love and harmony.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Divine Feminine Activation – distance attunement sent via chi ball
-The Divine Feminine Activation, original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in The Gentleness of Goddess Quan Yin Empowerment, also by Amanda Hadley

The Divine Feminine Activation- £20


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