Free Reiki Attunements

Free Reiki Attunements

I have channelled and collected a number of excellent free reiki self- attunements over the years that I would like to offer here.

These free reiki attunements are all SELF-ATTUNEMENTS, activated by your intention. You do not need me to send the attunement. Information on activation is given in each manual.

Self-attunements are a great way to give yourself a boost and lift your spiritual well being. These attunements, whilst being free are by no means of less energetic value than any other Reiki attunement, many of them awaken very powerful energies.  They are merely being offered for free because they are self attunements and do not require another person to send or pass on the attunement to you.

By clicking the DOWNLOAD button below you will receive a manual giving you information on the background of the self attunement, how to use it and how to activate it.

The Free Reiki Self-Attunements are changed monthly, this month’s offerings are:

New Year Blessing Self-Attunement

Channelled by Amanda Hadley.
The New Year Blessing is an energy from Source that helps to raise your vibration and enable you to be in alignment with the energies of your goals and desires for the coming year. The energies of this blessing, once activated, flow to you from Source, gently dispelling negativity, limiting beliefs, etc. and fill you with pure light and love.

Divine Light of Protection Self-attunement

Channelled by Amanda Hadley
The energies of this self-attunement have been channelled to provide you with a shield of divine light that will protect you from negative energies throughout your day. The energies of this self attunement come directly from Source and surround you in divine light that repels and deflects negativity from you, preventing it from entering your auric field and being detrimental to you.


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