Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation Attunement

Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation AttunementGarnet for healing, energising, balancing the root chakra and much more. Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation Attunement was channelled by Reiki Master  Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2016.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “This system connects you to the energy of the Garnet and to source energy. Garnets are wonderful crystals! They are very protective and they bring good energy for love and money to you. They work on the root chakra to balance it and energize it. Using the Garnet for healing is powerful, in that it helps with fertility, speeds healing, and purifies the blood. It helps with removing toxins. When used for manifestation, the Garnet helps with manifesting things necessary for survival, such and food, shelter, reproduction, etc. It works to help bring in more steady, secure finances.

Garnets are deep, dark, red in color which heals the root chakra, and brings in stability. When used in healing they are powerful for healing blood issues, and purification of toxins. When used to manifest desires, they can heal sexual issues and enhance intimacy. They strengthen relationships and provide protection by blocking negativity and harmful people, places, and things. They are a crystal that can help with boosting your energy to give you one last push of determination to manifest homes, transportation, food, and other necessities.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation –  distant attunement sent to you via chi ball method
-Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation original manual by Daelyn Wolf (6 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation, also by Daelyn Wolf

Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation Attunement – £15


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