gTummo is inner fire energies,a cosmic heat energy for spiritual development and healing on all levels. Holy Fire gTummo Levels 1-4 for channeled by Hari Winarso with Edwin Aldrian. Previous experience of energy healing is recommended before taking these attunements.
In this practise Holy Fire G’Tummo is without symbol or mantras, it uses the energy aspect of G’Tummo with energy patterns. An energy pattern works in a similar way to symbols in Usui Reiki, each energy pattern has its own specific functions, but instead of drawing them they are 1 word affirmations, which are set as intentions.
There are 4 initiations or angkurs ;
1st Level (Practitioner Level)
You are attuned with gTummo energy and energy channels will be disclosed (at sushumna, ida, pinggala and other nadis as well).
2nd Level (High Practitioner Level)
At this level, gTummo energy will be increased 108 times fold. Disclosing new paths of energy and cleansing body components is procured simultaneously in Chakras, nadis, aura and so forth. At this level, you can use the 5 primary energy patterns and 9 secondary energy patterns.
3rd Level (Personal Master Level)
gTummo energy will be increased 1000 times fold of energy during the current level.
4th Level (Master Teacher Level)
At this level, gTummo practitioner has been well advanced in practicing gTummo in daily life while this Master Teacher empowered with 10.000 times fold of energy. A Master Teacher of Holy Fire gTummo can now give the angkurs for other people.
The energies can be used for self healing and healing others.
Please note; the 4 attunements will be sent in one session as 4 separate chi balls for you to call in, in your own time, when you feel ready.
Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement
–Holy Fire gTummo Levels 1-4- all 4 levels sent via chi ball
–Holy Fire gTummo Levels 1-4 original manuals by Hari Andri Winarso and Edwin Aldrain (2 manuals), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email
You may also be interested in Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequences 1-4, also y Hari Andri Winarso
Holy Fire gTummo Levels 1-4- £45