Indigo 3rd Eye Power System

Indigo 3rd Eye Power SystemClear, activate and expand the 3rd eye centre. Indigo 3rd Eye Power System was channelled by Reiki Master Hari Andri Winarso.

Pre-requisite-Reiki Master.

This System has 3 attunements, in the manual to accompany these attunements the founder explains, “3rd Eye Chakra / Brow Chakra is associated with the color indigo, located in the center of the forehead. It is also often referred to as the “third eye” or the “mind center.” It is our avenue to wisdom – learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusions is in connection with the healthfulness of this chakra. Achieving the art of detachment beyond “small mindedness” is accomplished through developing impersonal intuitive reasoning. It is through an open brow chakra that visual images are received.

The 3 attunements are :
3rd Eye Clearing Attunement : This attunement have purposes to clear any negative energies and release any blockages you may have. Emotions like anxiety, fear and insecurity are some blockages to your 3rd Eye.
3rd Eye Activation Attunement : This attunement have a purpose to activate the 3rd Eye Chakra.
Indigo 3rd Eye Power Attunement : The Indigo 3rd Eye Power Attunement is the main attunement at this system, establishes a direct connection to your pineal gland, pituitary gland and nervous system. It seeks to slowly and safely bring your Minds Eye (3rd Eye) into a higher vibration and level of activity, thus resulting in greater mental faculties, greater intelligence, greater imagination, greater insight into many areas of life and also seeks to calm and balance ones own nervous system. Also this attunement will increase your physics abilities. At here you will use a symbol.”

This system uses 1 symbol.

–Indigo 3rd Eye Power System – 3 distance attunements sent to you via chi ball method
–Indigo 3rd Eye Power System original manual by Hari Andri Winarso (15 pages), digital download
–bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
–certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Please note the price if fixed by the founder

Indigo 3rd Eye Power System – £36


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