Journey of the Albatross

Journey of the AlbatrossBeautiful, uplifting energies and medicine of the Albatross. Journey of the Albatross is one of my attunements, channeled in 2019.

The Albatross has so many gifts to share with us. These amazing birds are symbols of endurance, wisdom and freedom. They can help us to glide gracefully through life’s ups and downs

The following extract is taken from the manual to accompany this attunement, “The albatross as a power animal teaches us to use energy for our greatest good. The albatross uses the winds and thermals to soar high and glide, reserving its own energy for when it is most needed. It also teaches us to go gracefully with life’s ups and downs, to ride the thermals without fear or resistance.
Albatross shows us that we need courage to follow our goals, that sometimes we need to leave the safety of the shoreline. It encourages us to look to the horizon, to new opportunities and possibilities, to be free and follow our instincts, to be without limits or constraints.”

The Albatross is associated with:
-Endurance and stamina
-Being independent
-Conserving energy until it is needed
-Being open minded
-Being open to new opportunities
-Commitment to new opportunities
-Living without constraints
-Moving through situations with grace and calm

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Journey of the Albatross Empowerment- distance attunement via chi ball
-Journey of the Albatross Empowerment original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Power Animal  Reiki System, also by Amanda Hadley

Journey of the Albatross Empowerment- £15


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