Money Blessings of Kuan Yin Empowerment

Money Blessings of Kuan YinClear blocks and opens you heart to receive. Gentle, compassionate energies to the Goddess Kuan Yin to help you manifest more money into your life. Money Blessings of Kuan Yin Empowerment was channeled by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2013.

In the manual to accompany this empowerment the founder explains, “Kuan Yin is a Goddess of compassion, love, healing, and abundance. This attunement is an energy that I have worked with for a very long time, and it is amazing in its power to draw in money needed for specific bills, food, or other things. I have found it to work very fast. It is easy to use, and there is no symbol for this system, but there is a meditation that focuses on the energies.
If you are needing to draw in some extra cash, Money Blessings of Kuan Yin Empowerment will help you by empowering you to clear out those blocks and open your heart to receive.

Whenever I work with the energies of Kuan Yin, I am filled with peace and a safe secure feeling. The same is true when you work with the energies of this system. Kuan Yin will always bless you when you call upon her. She pours her bottle of prosperity water out upon anyone who asks for her assistance.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Money Blessings of Goddess Kuan Yin Empowerment –  distant attunement sent to you via chi ball method
-Money Blessings of Goddess Kuan Yin  original manual by Daelyn Wolf (5 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Compassion and Gifts of Goddess Kuan Yin, also by Daelyn Wolf.

Money Blessings of Goddess Kuan Yin Empowerment-£18


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