Powerful Goddess initiations to awaken your Divine feminine. Nusta Karpay-7 Goddess Rites from Peru is an amazing set of 7 initiations to the Sacred Archetypal Feminine energies of Nature.
The following taken from the manual explains Nusta Karpay further, “Welcome to the journey of completeness and unity which reconnects you to your own heart frequency and to our great Mother Earth, Pachamama. This life-changing journey enables you to return into unity and alignment with the primal source of our planet. In essence, we humans are the caretakers of the land and it is our birth-right and responsibility to fully return into balance with and optimally resonate with Pachamama and her primordial forces. When we are in harmony with the Pachamama our sense of self expands, and we find it easier to surf the rough waters we sometimes find in our lives.
The Nusta Karpay (pronounced nwee-sta kar-pie) are Quechua words meaning Goddess Initiations. These special, beautiful and authentic initiations have spread around the World. The Nustas are the Goddesses of the mountains (Apus) and waters along the highlands of Peru and Bolivia. The Nusta Karpay are therefore the initiations of the Seven Andean Goddesses from the Incan shamanic tradition.
Now is the time for the great transformation and balance of humans to bring healing to Mother Earth (Pachamama). The Nustas help immensely with this balance. The intent of the Nusta Karpay is to soften the heart of both men and women and to help empower women. The seven initiations are seeds of light and energetic points of transmission to balance the feminine and masculine energies within you. As you heal and balance the Divine Feminine within yourself, so do you help to heal Pachamama.
The Nusta Karpay Rites are open to both men and women, and are available to everyone regardless of their spiritual orientation. The Nusta Karpay are not only for those who have apprenticed in the Andean or other ancient spiritual traditions. They are for those who wish to heal the Divine Feminine within themselves, and carry that healing into the world, and for those who wish to bring greater peace and unity to our planet.”
The 7 Goddess Rites are:
Rite 1-Mama Ocllo – The daughter of Father Sun and Mother Earth and originates from Lake Titicaca. She is the Earth Goddess, Great Mother of all Goddesses and also the Goddess of Wisdom. The essence of Mama Ocllo is to ground us in our own centre, to find our inner sanctity. This rite heals your female power and restores balance.
Benefits:Increase in vitality, passion and physical security. Will help overcome hostility, anxiety, depression and lack of confidence in one’s future.
Rite 2-Doña Mujia – The Goddess of Water. Mujia means ‘mermaid’ and stands for the ‘spirit of the water’. The energy connected to this Goddess is about ‘letting go’. This initiation helps us release the negative aspects of our ego and opens you to the concept of selfless union with others.
Benefits:Clears emotions & feelings, trusting, faith. Helps release jealousy, resentfulness, loneliness, and shyness.
Rite 3-Mama Simona -The Goddess of our ancestors. You connect with the ancient feminine lineage, the ancestors, connecting with your roots, coming home to find yourself. This rite enables you to connect not only with Mother Earth, but also to achieve a deeper connection with yourself and the way in which you connect with the land you call home.
Benefits: Enhances self-esteem, positive self-image, personal power, independence, happiness, puts you in touch with your gifts and alignment with your cosmic personal path.
Rite 4-Doña Theresa – the Goddess of Harmony and Softness, connected to our soul. Associated with the heart shaped mountain near apu Ausengate in Peru. This rite opens your heart to all that is.
Benefits: This energy is loving, caring, and enhances generosity, selflessness, healing, nurturing, balance, and discernment. Releases indecision, paranoia, overly criticalness, moodiness, and co-dependency.
Rite 5-Maria Sakapana – Spiral of the Wind, She is the Goddess of Communication. Maria Skapana is associated with the two physical locations: Bolivia/Peru altiplano, near Lake Titicaca and a location between Q’eros Nation and apu Asusungate. This rite invites you to release all that holds you back from speaking your truth, from stepping into your True Self.
Benefits: Encourages good communication & expression, creativity, inspiration, content, and helps you to live in the present.
Rite 6- Huana Huaman Tiklla – Connection to the Falcon Temple/the Temple of Clear Vision. This rite is an energetic transmission for the opening of your third eye, inner vision and the way to connect with the spirit realm.
Benefits: Heightens your intuition, vision, clarity of thoughts and emotions.
Rite 7- Tomasa Huaman Tiklla – Sister of Huana Huaman Tikkla, they reside together. The Goddess of Freedom. The energy of this rite is ‘transformation and liberation’.
Benefits: Encourages an integrated life, light energy, higher consciousness knowledge, connection to source, helping you to feel grounded in your life’s purpose, release confusion and “fogginess”, reconnect and also lessen feelings of disconnection.
You will need to gather/find/buy the following items for each initiation;
Mama Ocllo– 7 Crystals (gemstones,) small pebbles/stones or chumpi stones.
Doña Mujia – Flower petals and a bowl of water.
Mama Simona – Gold Sheen Obsidian – this will be the lineage stone.
Doña Theresa – Items to make a heart Despacho. Paper, flower petals, bay leaves, seeds, piece of string to tie the bundle. Access to a fire pit, cauldron, or suitable burning utensil.
Maria Sakapana – Feathers
Huana Huaman Tiklla – An object/likeness of an animal that represents clear vision and seeing.
Tomasa Huaman Tiklla – 3 candles – red, white and yellow
Please note-The 7 Rites will be sent in one session as 7 separate chi balls for you to work through each rite in your own time and when you feel ready.
-Nusta Karpay-7 Goddess Rites- 7 distance attunement rites sent to you via chi ball method
-Nusta Karpay-7 Goddess Rites manual (62 pages), digital download
–bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
–certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.
Nusta Karpay-7 Goddess Rites- £99