Self Care Reiki

Self Care ReikiSelf Care Reiki – a gentle and loving energy, perfect for self healing and healing others. It was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Stephanie Brail in 2008, in her manual to accompany this attunement she explains,

“This energy helps facilitate the following:
1. Clearing out self-sabotaging habits
2. Dissolving resistance to developing positive habits
3. Enabling a better relationship with the flow of life

By using Self Care Reiki on yourself or your clients, you will help develop better habits that nurture and support the self.

How does Self Care Reiki do this? It does this through the energy. The Reiki energy has a specific intention embedded within it. This intention works to clear out any blocks to self care. It goes into the energetic system and gently releases these blocks. It also uplifts the energy system as a whole and helps align the person with their own good.

Because the Self Care energy works specifically on nurturing the self, it is gentle and should not create any major clearing symptoms. Rather, the recipient will simply find themselves more able to practice positive self care. They will suddenly find themselves more inspired to treat themselves better. It will become easier to create new positive habits and let go of negative ones.

Since it could be said that positive self care is the foundation for all success and happiness in life, this energy, as you can guess, can be extremely powerful and transformative, even though it is very, very gentle.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Self Care Reiki distance attunement via chi ball
-Self Care Reiki original manual by Stephanie Brail, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

You may also be interested in Fearless Reiki also by Stephanie Brail

Self Care Reiki -£18


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