Tag: Attunements £16- £20

Mindfulness Reiki

Mindfulness Reiki Attunement

Mindfulness Reiki brings you into the present moment. The energies of this attunement come direct from Source energy and connect you with a blissful state of mindfulness that aligns and unifies mind, body and spirit in the present moment, releasing the past, letting go of the future and accepting all that is in this moment …

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Snake Medicine Empowerment

Snake medicine Empowerment

Revitalizing, renewing, enhanced healing energies of the snake. Snake Medicine Empowerment was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2016. In her manual to accompany this empowerment she explains, “This system connects you to the spirit of the snake for healing, renewal, and empowerment. Snakes are often used for symbols of …

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Etheric Dragon Athame

Etheric Dragon Athame

Etheric Dragon Athame is a wonderful protection attunement that can be used for clearing negativity from the aura and for psychic protection. Etheric Dragon Athame was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Hari Andri Winarso in 2011. In his manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Etheric Dragon Athame is an unique protection tool …

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Pre-Attunement Empowerment

pre-attunement empowerment

Prepare the energetic body for receiving an attunement, and gently clear away blockages that might interfere with the optimal reception of the attunement.  Pre-Attunement Empowerment was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Stephanie Brail in 2011. This is a very useful yet gentle empowerment, in her manual to accompany this empowerment the founder explains, “The …

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Abundance Acceptance Empowerment

Abundance Acceptance Empowerment

Fully embrace the unlimited abundance of the Universe. This Empowerment enables you to release feelings of guilt or negativity that you may hold about being abundant and to accept completely and absolutely, at a deep level of consciousness, that we live in an unlimited abundant universe. Abundance Acceptance Empowerment is one of my own empowerments, …

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Eye of the Storm Reiki

Eye of the Storm Reiki

This is a beautiful attunement that will help you to find calm, safety and peace in any situation. It is very useful to prevent feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. Eye of the Storm Reiki was channeled and written by Linda Colibert in 2010. In her manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Eye of …

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Widen the Energy Path and Increase Energy Reiki

Widen the Energy

Expand energy pathways to increase healing energy flow. Widen the Energy Path and Increase Energy Reiki was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2017 this is a wonderful attunement. PLEASE NOTE that experience with energy work is advised before taking this attunement. In her manual to accompany this attunement the …

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Dragon’s Fire Reiki

Dragon's Fire Reiki

Vibrant, powerful energies to re-kindle your passion and inner fire. Dragon’s Fire Reiki is one of my own attunements  channeled in 2018. It is a powerful energy from Source that connects you to Dragon energies to help anchor you, re-kindle passion, creativity, inner fire and confidence. Dragon’s Fire Reiki works with the lower three chakras, …

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Intention Amplifier Empowerment

Intention Amplifier Empowerment

Create stronger intentions to help manifest your desires. The Intention Amplifier Empowerment is one of my own channeled empowerments, channeled in 2018. The Intention Amplifier Empowerment can help you in two ways; firstly, the empowerment works to help you to form strong intentions that are worded without ambiguity and focus solely on your desire. Secondly, …

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Fire of the Phoenix Reiki

Fire of the Phoenix

This is a wonderful attunement to help remove obstacles in your path and stand in your personal power.  The energies are very positive and empowering. Fire of the Phoenix Reiki was channeled and founded by Reiki Master Linda Colibert in 2010. In her manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “The Fire of the …

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