The Akashic Empowerment

The Akashic EmpowermentEnergies to help connection to your Akashic Records. The Akashic Empowerment was channelled by Reiki Master Jay Burrell in 2019.

In the manual to accompany this empowerment the founder explains, “After working with several forms of the Akashic Records, all of which never really helped me to access the Book of Life or the Akashic Libraries, I asked my higher self for a new, easy and simple method in which I could gain access to these records in order to help my own life as well as bringing forth the techniques to help others who also find the old ways of connecting with the Akashic Records difficult and sometimes confusing.

The Akashic Empowerment aims to give you a very simple and easy to use meditation and energetic tool in which you can gain access to your records as well as enabling you to keep them maintained so that they pass on to your next life intact and in an order where you will again be able to connect with them.

The Akashic Empowerment has been designed to help you maintain a pure vibrational connection with your recorded life/lifetimes in order to reduce all unnecessary suffering by boosting your spiritual development and manifestation within this area of your life. These energies are given to ensure that all forms of non serving vibrations that are at the forefront of your conscious awareness will be removed so that your records are raised in vibration across all lifetimes and across all dimensions. The attunement is also open ended meaning that as you work with the energy, grow with the energy and progress in studying your records, you will always receive the energy that you need at the time it is needed.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Akashic Empowerment -distance attunement sent to you via chi ball method
-The Akashic Empowerment-original manual by Jay Burrell (15 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Please note the price is fixed by the founder.

The Akashic Empowerment- £15


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