The Divine Shakti Healing Empowerment

The Divine Shakti Healing EmpowermentBeautiful, empowering energies to awaken the divine feminine. The Divine Shakti Healing Empowerment was channeled by Reiki Master Jay Burrell in 2021. Please note that you will need to have Reiki Level 1 to accept this attunement.

In the manual to accompany this empowerment the founder explains, “When you dive head first into the world of spirituality and especially energy healing, you are bound to hear the word SHAKTI sooner of later. A lot of people will refer to Shakti only as a Goddess… but Shakti is not just this one aspect. There is much more to the Shakti energies, for example, the way in which they can help align the trinity of mind, body & spirit.

The word ‘Shakti’ in Sanskrit means, ‘Power’. Shakti represents two things in spiritual tradition….. the first meaning of Shakti is the goddess of the same name. Goddess Shakti, in Hinduism, is essentially the feminine goddess of all of creation, also known as “The Divine Mother”. In addition, shakti represents the divine feminine and the energies of the feminine the resides in each and everyone of us. Here, you can see how the two meanings of shakti tie in with one another; shakti, as divine feminine energy, is the animating life force that imbues every living being in the Universe.”

The manual contains the following and much more;
What is Shakti Energy
Symbols associated with Shakti
Increasing your Shakti energy
Mantras/intentions to heal and balance your chakras
Powerful self-love quotes
Working with crystals
Shakti-Awakening the powers of the Inner Goddesses
Sacred Feminism
The benefits of increasing Shakti for Women and Men

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Divine Shakti Healing Empowerment -distance attunement sent to you via chi ball method
-The Divine Shakti Healing Empowerment -original manual by Jay Burrell (40 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

you may also be interested in The Celestial Rose Empowerment, also by Jay Burrell

Please note the price is fixed by the founder.

The Divine Shakti Healing Empowerment – £15


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