Animal Angels Reiki

Animal Angels ReikiConnection to your animal angels, to help and enhance your life with the lessons they want to share with you. Animal Angels Reiki was channeled  by Reiki Master Linda Colibert.

In the accompanying manual Linda explains, “Animal Angels Reiki connects you to the higher energies of those animals who have come into your life to help you specifically.

These animals are with you to teach you something, to love you, and to bring healing to you life. In working with animals, you will discover there are specific animals that touch your heart more deeply than others. These animals are your personal Animal Angels, who have come to this Earth to help you in some way.

Animal Angels works with the energies of your higher self, and the higher energies of the very special animals that love you, to help you connect with them on a deeper level, so that you can understand the lessons these special animals have come here to teach you…

Your Animal Angel is an animal the comes into your life for a specific purpose. This may be to bring you healing, or to teach you a lesson you need to learn. ”

This is a wonderful system for anyone who loves animals and has an affinity with them.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Animal Angels Reiki distance attunement via chi ball
-Animal Angels Reiki original manual by Linda Colibert, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

You may aslo be interested in Spirit Steed Reiki, also by Linda Colibert that connects you with your personal spirit steed.

Please note that the price of this attunement is fixed by the Founder.

Animal Angels Reiki – £15


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