Energies of Gaia, Archangel Michael and earth Fae to help you and others live a stress free life. Anti Stress Empowerment was channeled and founded by Sinead Walkinshaw.
Please note it is recommended that you are a Reiki Master to receive this attunement.
In her manual to accompany this attunement Sinead explains, “This is an Empowerment rather than a form of Reiki. This Empowerment uses the Energies of Gaia, Archangel Michael and the Earth Fae, ethereal crystals, ethereal essential oils..
Stress is everywhere, and caused by many things. I think basically it is wear and tear the body and spirit experiences as reactions to everyday experiences- change, illness, injury, career and lifestyle changes and more. Then there is the pressure we feel in response to everyday things- rush hour traffic, waiting, too many emails, children arguing constantly etc!
It is the body’s response to this that disrupts normal balance. Actual events and our perception of events are not the same and as a result tensions, strain, frustration etc throws our physiological and psychological balance out. If this occurs for too long, this stress can not only become disabling but can create many health problems.”
This empowerment will enable you to call on the various energies of Gaia, Archangel Michael, ethereal crystals and essential oils, etc. to combat stress for yourself and for others, providing you with the energies that you need most at times of stress.
Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement
-Anti Stress Empowerment distance attunement via chi ball
-Anti Stress Empowerment original manual by Sinead Walkinshaw, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email
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Anti Stress Empowerment – NOW ON OFFER, only £10, normal price £20