Anxiety Flush Reiki Empowerment

Anxiety Flush Reiki EmpowermentRelief and release from feelings of habitual anxiety. Anxiety Flush Reiki is one of my own attunements, channeled in 2019.

Taken from the accompanying manual…”The Anxiety Flush Reiki Empowerment is designed to help bring relief and release from feelings of habitual anxiety. The energies of this system come direct from Sacred Source energy and bring gentle, loving, calming energies that flow through you, clearing space for peace and calm to reside. Feelings of anxiety and worry dissolve and you find yourself in a place where you can choose your reaction to a situation rather than be in the control of a habitual anxiety reaction.

The energies of this system are not designed to eliminate the initial cause of anxiety, as this is often something that happened a long time ago and from there on in anxiety became an automatic response. This system is designed to interrupt the automatic feature of your brain that triggers an anxious response and allow you the space to choose your reaction.

The new energies are pure, from Sacred Source and fill you with calm, peace and love. The new energies allow you to create a space between the situation (or the thought of the situation) and your reaction. In this space you can choose your reaction with clarity and calm.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Anxiety Flush Reiki Empowerment -distance attunement via chi ball
-Anxiety Flush Reiki original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Negative thoughts Flush, also by Amanda Hadley.

Anxiety Flush Reiki Empowerment-£20


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