In days of old, spiritual life was separate from “regular life”. People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with the rest of their lives. Daily meditation was something that only nuns, priests, rabbis or monks did.
In today’s world our understanding of spiritual life has vastly changed. More and more people are exploring their own divine connection to all that is. More and more we are understanding that all of life is sacred and yet at the same time there seems to be less and less time available for us to slow down and connect with our innermost spiritual center.
With the many advances in technology there are now many options available to us for spiritual expression. At the same time, modern life has become more challenging, more demanding and faster paced. Staying positive and focused on spirituality can be difficult, especially when we are faced with all the negative energy that we see manifesting in world events. The internet and global communication has helped us connect with like minded people to share and grow but it has also rendered us acutely aware of the atrocities and negativity that continue in the world today. Don’t get me wrong I think there are many positive aspects to technology, one being you reading this right now! But sometimes we all need to get away from it all.
For me the practice of daily meditation is of great help in today’s world. Daily meditation can allow you to create peace within yourself, helping you feel in a place of perfect calm and love, this then radiates outwards to others in your daily life. Daily meditation can be whatever you want it to be, whatever feels good and works best for you. You may just sit and observe your thoughts, you may choose to listen to music, you may choose to practise gratitude or affirmations/mantras, the possibilities are limitless and it really doesn’t matter what you choose as long as it brings you to that place of calm and oneness.
Some people find it helpful to create sacred space in the home, which provides a private place to be and also creates a vibration of peace and harmony. If you can keep this sacred space clean, free from clutter, and away from other activities you will find it becomes a spiritual haven that you can go to find peace, light and comfort in the midst of a busy day. For more ideas check out my previous article on creating your own meditation space.
Daily meditation can provide comfort and spiritual support even during difficult times. You will find yourself attracted to meditation practices that are most resonant with your own soul’s unique divine blueprint. You can chose your own practise, whatever suits you and works for you.
We are all one, we are all connected, and if for only a few minutes a day you can truly feel this within yourself and connect with all that is your life will become so much more peaceful and calm and you’ll pass on this feeling to everyone you encounter!