Category: New Earth Blog

how to meditate

How to Meditate

Meditation is a simple yet powerful practice that ...
Role of the Earth Star Chakra

Understanding the Vital Role of the Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is an overlooked chakra ...
benefits of receiving Reiki

Benefits of Receiving Reiki

There are many benefits of receiving Reiki. Reiki ...
The Universe responds to our vibration

The Universe Responds to Our Vibration

The present situation and circumstances that we find ...
6 easy ways to deal with negative emotions

6 Easy Ways to Deal With Negative Emotions

From time to time we all experience negative ...
Preparing to Send a Distant Attunement

Preparing to Send a Distant Attunement

More and more people are connecting and sharing ...
Brief Guide to Your Aura

A Brief Guide to Your Aura

Many people ask about the aura, what it ...
top 6 Shamanic Reiki Attunements

Top 6 Shamanic Reiki Attunements

The field of Shamanic Reiki is  vast to ...
Increase Your Vibration

6 Ways to Increase Your Vibration

Everything around us is made up of energy, ...
Amethyst Psychic Protection Aura Spray

How to Make Amethyst Psychic Protection Aura Spray

Simple, quick, energy protection against psychic attack. Amethyst ...
Giving Reiki to Animals

Giving Reiki to Animals

Animals of all descriptions can benefit from Reiki ...
incorporate Reiki in your daily life

10 Ways to Incorporate Reiki In Your Daily Life

Working with Reiki for healing and spiritual development ...
Boost your self-care

Boost Your Self-Care With These Tips

Self-care is an act of self-love that many ...
Rituals for Letting Go

Rituals for Letting Go

Following on from my last blog post, Letting ...
Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You

Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You

Letting go of all that does not serve ...
How Self-talk affects our reality

How Self-talk Affects Our Reality

The words we choose for our self-talk play ...
I am I Meditation

I am I Meditation

This meditation is a form of mantra and ...
Distant Reiki Attunements for Anxiety Relief

Distant Reiki Attunements for Anxiety Relief

In these current times many people are experiencing ...
Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude Meditation

Regularly expressing gratitude is a simple and amazing ...
Reiki For Troubled Times

Reiki For Troubled Times

There is no doubt that at this time ...
How to Send Global healing

How to Send Global Healing

At the time of writing this we are ...
What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?

What Will I Feel During a Distant Reiki Attunement?

Many people ask, “What will I feel during ...
Our thoughts create our reality

Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

We live in an all-inclusive Universe, every thought ...
Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation

This  Chakra Meditation can help to reboot your ...
Reiki Self-Healing Practise

Reiki Self-Healing Practise

When you are taught Usui Reiki Level 1 ...
Meditation for Positive Thinking

Meditation for Positive Thinking

This is a short, easy to follow meditation ...
Distant Reiki Attunement

Distant Reiki Attunement Benefits

There are so many benefits of choosing to ...
Tope 6 Abundance Reiki Attunements

Top 6 Abundance Reiki Attunements

Abundance is something I often get asked about ...
How to send a distant attunement

How to Send a Distant Attunement

Distant attunements are more and more popular nowadays ...
Grounding After Attunements

Grounding After Attunements

Grounding after attunements can help reduce symptoms of ...
Connecting with Spirit Guides

Connecting With Spirit Guides

I am asked a lot about connecting with ...
Top 6 Reiki Attunements to Make you feel good

Top 6 Reiki Attunements to Make You Feel Good

All Lightworkers and energy healers can feel a ...
How to receive a distant reiki attunement

How to Receive a Distant Reiki Attunement

Distant Reiki attunements are becoming more and more ...
Top 6 Protection Reiki Attunements

Top 6 Protection Reiki Attunements

I am asked a lot about Protection Reiki, ...
Energy Meditation

Energy Meditation

Energy meditation is a form of meditation that ...
Choosing an attunement and attunement procedure

Choosing an Attunement and Attunement Procedure

I am asked a lot about choosing an ...
What is a Chi Ball

What is a Chi Ball in Reiki

What is a Chi Ball in Reiki? A ...
What are distant attunements

What are Distant Attunements?

What are distant attunements? Distant Attunements are a ...
Etheric Cords

Etheric Cords

I have for some time been interested in ...
Dragon Energies

Dragon Energies

I have witnessed in the last couple of ...
Mind Calm

Mind Calm

Mind calm is the process of bringing your ...
Daily Ritual

Daily Ritual

The process of daily ritual is very important ...
Energy Clearing and Cleaning for Rooms

Room Energy Clearing and Cleansing

Room energy clearing and cleansing can help shift ...
Connect to the Earth

Connect to the Earth

We are all aware of the importance of ...

Self-healing and Energy Workers

Practising self-healing is one of the most important ...
walking meditation

Walking Meditation

A walking meditation is an easy and simple ...
The Present Moment

The Present Moment-Connecting With Source

The present moment is all that exists. The ...
Happiness and Gratitude

Happiness and Gratitude

There are many, many studies that link happiness ...
Inner Guidance System

Your Inner Guidance System

Your Inner Guidance System We are often bombarded ...
Allow Life To Unfold

Allow Life to Unfold

Sometimes it can be the most difficult thing ...
Being Grateful

Being Grateful

Being grateful, feeling gratitude, raises your vibration and ...
Being Present

Being Present

Being present, being in the moment is very ...
Empowerment or Attunement

Empowerment or Attunement

What is the Difference Between an Empowerment or ...
hearing your true voice

Hearing Your True Voice

Sometimes it really does feel like we have ...
Home Made Smudge Sticks

Home Made Smudge Sticks

This last couple of months I've been experimenting ...
Introduction to Acupuncture

Introduction to Acupuncture

I have on many occasions found acupuncture to ...
Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires

Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes ...
Meditation Mantras

Meditation Mantras

Meditation mantras are words or collection of words, ...
Boost Your Energy Levels

Boost Your Energy Levels

From time to time we may all feel ...
Healing Crisis

Healing Crisis

Occasionally when people receive an energy attunement or ...
Breathing and Relaxation

Breathing and Relaxation

Breathing and Relaxation-it sounds so simple but it's ...
Harmonise body mind and spirit

Harmonise Body Mind and Spirit

Bringing your body, mind, and spirit into harmony ...
Essential Oils

Using Essential Oils

Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – ...
Energy Healing

Energy Healing

As you may have already guessed if you've ...
Chakra Shower

Chakra Shower

The Chakra Shower Meditation can be performed as ...
Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation

In days of old, spiritual life was separate ...
I Promise Myself

I Promise Myself

I promise myself....I thought this poem by Christian ...
Four Easy Ways to Meditate

Four Easy Ways To Meditate

Meditation is so beneficial to us for our ...
Laughter the Best Medicine

Laughter The Best Medicine

Is laughter the best medicine?  Laughter certainly has ...
Meditation Space

Creating your Own Meditation Space

Having a Meditation Space can be a very ...
Develop a Positive Outlook

Develop a Positive Outlook

We are all faced with problems in our ...
Avoid colds and flu

How to Avoid Colds and Flu Naturally

It's that time of year again...time to boost ...
Elodie Armstrong- Ten Commandments

Elodie Armstrong- Ten Commandments

I enjoy looking for poems and quotes that ...
Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

The Yin and Yang symbol is a result ...
Guided Meditation

The Benefits of Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is becoming more and more popular ...
Charlie Chaplin Poem

Charlie Chaplin Poem

Many of us remember Charlie Chaplin from his ...

Lavender-The Queen of Herbs

I've just collected some lavender from my garden ...
chakras and yoga part two

The Chakras and Yoga Part Two

In Chakras and yoga part two we will ...
Chakras and Yoga

The Chakras and Yoga Part One

This article, the chakras and yoga is in ...
Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing and healing has been used for ...
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