Goddess Red Tara Attunement

Goddess Red Tara attunementEnergies to connect and align with Red Tara the fiery Goddess. Goddess Red Tara attunement was channelled by Reiki Master Tracey Loper.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Tara is a broad name if you will for a group of Bodhisattvas that are of the similar aspect. These could be defined as different aspects of the same eminence as Bodhisattvas are considered allegorical in general for Buddhist Virtues. Tara is a female Bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism.

There are many aspects of Tara, Red Tara being one of them. Goddess Red Tara also known as Kurukulla – The Savioress….Red Tara is often portrayed as an energetic dancing voluptuous female figure with an alluring body because of her magnetism and enchantment…Her complexion is fiery red. She is red to show her fierce energy. Because of this some equate her with Goddess Kali but Red Tara’s ferocity is tempered with calm. Her face is beautiful and is generally poised between peaceful and fierce…Goddess Red Tara can be invoked for the controlling activities of attracting, manifesting, magnetizing and subjugating.

Red Tara is extremely sensual and seductive. She has the bewitching power of sexual desire and love and bringing people under her power…Using the energy of Goddess Red Tara’s Empowerment you may heal and work on sexual issues of all kinds and the emotions connected to these issues. As well, this energy can warm the entire body and charge it with energy thus being particularly helpful for low energy.
The energy of this healing system is particularly good for blood circulation and easing tensions or stresses.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

–Goddess Red Tara– distance attunement via chi ball
–Goddess Red Tara original manual by Tracey Loper (19 pages), digital download
–bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
–certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Goddess Red Tara attunement – £20

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