Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality Flush

Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality FlushEnergies to break through limitations and discover hidden truths. Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality Flush was co-founded and channelled by Anna Góra & Cezary Wieczorek.

In the manual to accompany this attunement the founders expalin, “Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality Flush is an attunement designed to reconnect you with your primal self, your instincts, and the deep, sensual wisdom that resides within. Imagine a moment where you feel truly alive, where every sense is awakened, and your body becomes a vessel for the raw, unÞltered essence of existence. This is the essence of this adventure.

At its core, this attunement is about pleasure-not in the fleeting, superficial sense, but as a gateway to your authentic self. Pleasure is the art of experiencing life through your senses, honoring your instincts, and aligning with the intuitive voice that guides you. It’s about breaking free from social expectations, outdated beliefs, and self-imposed limitations, and stepping into a space where you can truly feel and be.

Lizardite, the crystal at the heart of this attunement, is no ordinary stone. It carries the vibrational signature of the reptilian world – a realm of resilience, adaptability, and primal survival. Just as a lizard sheds its skin to regenerate, Lizardite helps you shed layers of non-serving thought forms, emotional baggage, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s a catalyst for energetic renewal, recalibrating your nervous system, rewiring neural pathways, and activating your kundalini energy in a balanced, harmonious flow.

Through the lens of reptilian energy, you’re encouraged to explore the shadow aspects of your psyche – the parts of yourself that you’ve disowned in your quest for control and civilization. The lizard, as a spirit animal, teaches you the wisdom of detachment and resilience, showing you how to let go of past traumas and regenerate with ease.

Ultimately, this energy is a call to embody your authenticity. It’s about stepping into your power, aligning with your primal instincts, and living life fully through your senses. It’s a reminder that you are not separate from nature, but a part of its ongoing story – a story of resilience, transformation, and the raw, unfiltered truth of who you are.”

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality Flush -distance attunement via chi ball
-Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality Flush original manual by Anna Góra & Cezary Wieczorek, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Please note the price is fixed by the founder

Lizardite Evolving Self-Sensuality Flush – £20


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