Power Animal Reiki System connects you to six different power animals for self development, spiritual development and to heal yourself and others. Power Animal Reiki System is one of my own attunements, channeled between 2015-2017.
Power Animal Reiki connects you with the energies of:
The Wolf-wolf symbolises a strong connection with instincts. Wolf encourages you to listen to and follow your inner voice, your inner self, your true nature.
The Black Panther-the black panther urges you to follow your passion. It urges you to confront that longing, that desire within you and be your true self with pride and courage.
The Lion– the lion urges you to be confident, assertive and courageous, to speak with clarity and strength from your heart no matter what challenges life throws at you.
The Buffalo-buffalo urges you to count your blessings, to be grateful for all that you have. Buffalo reminds you that you are abundant and live in an abundant universe.
The Eagle-Eagle energy reminds you that you can soar to great heights, that you can fly free way above all the turmoil of life. You are a free spirit.
The Swan-Swan energies are very feminine energies that remind us to go with the flow with grace, allowing our own light and inner beauty to shine through at all times.
I use the term “Power Animal” following the Shamanic definition that we are all alive and connected, we all have inside us the power and wisdom of each other and all other living things, including animals. We can all tap into “animal energy”, it is already a part of us.
This attunement helps you to tap into six different power animals, to connect with the energies, the power and wisdom of each of these animals. It enables you to be open to all that they have to offer and teach.
You will be attuned to the energies of each of these power animals in one attunement. Once you are attuned you can call in the energies of one of any number of the animals to help you in any way that you wish, for self healing or healing others. There is one symbol for each animal that helps to strengthen the energies and help you to activate them.
Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement
-Power Animal Reiki System distance attunement (to all six animals) via chi ball
-Power Animal Reiki System original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.
You may also be interested in Sole Wolf Journey Reiki Attunement, also by Amanda Hadley
Please note the price of this attunement is fixed by the founder.
Power Animal Reiki System – £24