Space Clearing Reiki

Space Clearing ReikiEnergies to cleanse and purify your space and bring in light. Space Clearing Reiki is one of my own attunements channelled in 2024.

Space Clearing Reiki is an energy to help cleanse and clear your energetic space, this could be at home, garden, or work, or any space that you are in. Space Clearing Reiki can also be used when you are creating sacred space for any energy work, such as meditation, healing, receiving attunements, etc.

The energies of this system help shift any negative energies from a space and bring in higher vibrational positive energies.

Just as any room or space can accumulate physical clutter; dust and dirt, it can also accumulate non visible clutter such as stagnant energies, stuck energies and negative energies which block the flow of positive energy in the space. This in turn can have a negative impact on those in the space.

Space clearing can help clear negative energies and help create a positive, harmonious environment to be in. If done regularly, space clearing can help ensure your space is always filled with positive, uplifting energies that support your wellbeing.

It is important to keep any space that you regularly inhabit energetically clean, this could be your home, bedroom, living room, car, office, work space, garden, etc. This can help raise the overall vibration of the space, help maintain good relationships with those who share the space and bring in light energies into the space.

The energies of this system bring in sacred Source energies into any space you choose, the energies flow through the space, dissolving and removing any lower vibrations, any dense, heavy, negative energies and flood the space with light, positive, pure energies.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Space Clearing Reiki-distance attunement via chi ball
-Space Clearing Reiki original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

Space Clearing Reiki – £20


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