The Fairy Dance of Faerie Activation

The Fairy Dance of Faerie ActivationBeautiful, light energies connecting you with the Faery Realm and the magic of Avalon. The Fairy Dance of Faerie Activation was channelled by Reiki Master Daniela Schiroli in 2020.

This is a wonderful energy to connect with the Fae, filled with joy and lightness. In the manual to accompany this activation the founder invites you, “Everyone can approach the Faerie World, all those who have a clear and pure heart and love for the Earth and Nature.
Will you join to help us save the Earth? Now place your bare feet firmly on the ground, and let your instinct
guide you (with your eyes closed) in search of the Fairy Gate. Stretch your arms all around you and look for the point where the atmosphere is less dense, look for the gap. That is where you will be able to access Faerie. But only if you get rid of your fears and show your pure heart to the Fairies. Then reach out your hand, move the curtain in front of you and access Faerie. A new world will appear to you, you have removed the veil of Maya, the oblivion that covered your eyes.”

This system uses 2 symbols; The gateway to Avalon to help you connect with the Fae and the Healing Symbol- Heart of the Earth, to bring healing from Mother  Earth.

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Fairy Dance of Faerie Activation -distance attunement via chi ball
-The Fairy Dance of Faerie -original, translated  manual by Daniela Schiroli (6 pages), digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

The Fairy Dance of Faerie Activation- £15


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