Self-love Empowerment with Quan Yin

Self-love Empowerment with Quan YinEnergies of unconditional love and acceptance, connecting to Quan Yin. Self-Love Empowerment with Quan Yin is one of my own attunements channelled in 2023.

I have been connecting with Quan Yin’s energies for many years. I find her compassion and unconditional love to be a huge source of comfort, peace and inspiration for me. I have learnt much from her about self-love and self-acceptance.

Recently, whilst I was meditating, I felt Quan Yin’s energies present and a powerful wave of self-love flooded my being, working with her through following meditation sessions I was guided to bring forward this empowerment to help others connect with her and deepen their feelings and experiences of self-love.

Quan Yin lends her gentle love and kindness, her compassion and mercy to engulf us in unconditional love and support. The energies encourage us to be gentle with ourselves, to feel worthy of self-love and self-compassion, to remember our own divinity and to shine our own light.

The energies of this empowerment come from sacred Source and the Goddess Quan Yin, to help you feel deep and uninhibited self-love, to encourage you to go within and unabashedly love what you find there. The energies will help you feel true acceptance of yourself and find peace and harmony in being you.

Uses of System
-connect with the Goddess Quan Yin
-feel unconditional love for self
-encourage self-acceptance
-practise self-love
-release negative blocks, such as resentment
-increase self-worth
-increase self-confidence

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-Self-Love Empowerment with Quan Yin-distance attunement via chi ball
-Self-Love Empowerment with Quan Yin original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Gentleness of Goddess Quan Yin Empowerment, also by Amanda Hadley

Self-Love Empowerment with Quan Yin – £20

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