Tag: Attunements £16- £20

Triple Power Mudra Reiki Attunement

Triple Power Mudra Reiki attunement

Powerful energies for healing, manifestation and much more. Triple Power Mudra Reiki attunement was channelled by Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2019. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Triple Power Mudra Reiki combines Reiki energies with Mudras to bring more energy and power to your work. This system works to increase …

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Magick Reiki Better Business Attunement

Magick Reiki Better Business attunement

Energies to help draw more prosperity to your business. Magick Reiki Better Business attunement was channelled by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2016. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “This is a magick energy infused system. It combines magick and reiki. It constantly recharges and so you cannot use …

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Money Protection and Empowerment Lightwork

Money Protection and Empowerment Lightwork

Energies to protect and empower your abundance. Money Protection and Empowerment Lightwork was channelled by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2020. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “The energies of this system connect you to source energy for protection and empowerment, specifically in the areas of money. It works …

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Goddess Red Tara Attunement

Goddess Red Tara attunement

Energies to connect and align with Red Tara the fiery Goddess. Goddess Red Tara attunement was channelled by Reiki Master Tracey Loper. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Tara is a broad name if you will for a group of Bodhisattvas that are of the similar aspect. These could be defined …

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Namgyalma Mother Buddha Reiki

Namgyalma Mother Buddha Reiki

Goddess connection energies to banish negativity, misfortune and bring in compassion and healing. Namgyalma Mother Buddha Reiki was channelled by Reiki Master Gabriela Yasmin Szafman  2012. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Namgyalma has three faces and eight arms. She is one of three revered deities of longevity. Her middle face …

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Chrome Diopside Validation Nexus Attunement

Chrome Diopside Validation Nexus Attunement

Energies to re-evaluate and reconcile, to bring wholeness of your being. Chrome Diopside Validation Nexus Attunement was channelled by Reiki Master Cezary Wieczorek in 2024. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “This attunement was designed to bring together different fragments of your experiences and to reconcile any distortions in your memories …

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Law of Attraction Empowerment Reiki

Law of Attraction Empowerment Reiki

Energies to help attract your desires into this physical reality. Law of Attraction Empowerment Reiki was channelled by Linda Howell (Linda Colibert) in 2022. In the manual to accompany this empowerment the founder explains, “The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law. This Law is in place to allow you to receive what you give. …

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Relationship Transformation Reiki

Relationship Transformation Reiki

Clear lower vibrations and create balanced, healthy relationships. Relationship Transformation Reiki was channelled by Reiki Master Tracey Loper. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Relationship Transformation Reiki has been given to us by Archangel Chamuel to clear what blocks us from maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship and or attracting a …

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Magick Reiki Protection

Magick Reiki Protection

Magickal energies to shield and protect from negativity. Magick Reiki Protection was channelled by Reiki Master Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert) in 2015. In the manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “Magick Reiki Protection is an energetically charged system that holds protection within its very essence. As you work with the energies of this …

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Earth Star Chakra Cleanse and Activate

Earth Star Chakra Cleanse and Activate

Energies for deep grounding and spiritual expansion. Earth Star Chakra Cleanse and Activate is one of my own attunements, channelled in 2024. This is an energy to help you connect with your earth star chakra, to understand its significance in your spiritual development and to help cleanse and activate it. The energies of this system …

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