The Light Within Empowerment

The Light Within EmpowermentEnergies to help reignite your spark and connection to Source energy. The Light Within Empowerment is one of my own attunements channelled in 2024.

The Light Within Empowerment is a system that I have channelled to help re-ignite and strengthen the light within each of us. This system is particularly helpful and beneficial to healers, lightworkers and empaths who find their inner light dimmed and smothered due to the bombardment of outside energies that they have to filter through, often on a daily basis.

This system can also benefit anyone who feels that their inner spark has died down and they are left with a lack of passion, enthusiasm, direction and drive.

The Light Within Empowerment connects you to Sacred Source energies and re-ignites your inner flame, your shining light. The energies are restorative, helping to re-awaken what has been dampened, re-kindle what has burnt out.

The energies can help you feel light, energetic, enthusiastic and renewed, filling you with Source energy and helping to flush away any negative energy attachments, allowing your inner light to burn brightly as a beacon of hope, love and purity.

Uses of The Light Within Empowerment
-to restore your inner light
-awaken feelings of passion and enthusiasm
-to restore vitality
-to raise your vibration
-connect with Source energy
-increase inner confidence and self-worth
-flush away negative attachments
-prevent self-dimming
-to be a beacon of light to help others

Please read, What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement

-The Light Within Empowerment-distance attunement via chi ball
-The Light Within Empowerment original manual by Amanda Hadley, digital download
-bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc
-certificate and lineage if requested
-ongoing email support and advice
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email.

You may also be interested in Light of Love, also by Amanda Hadley.

The Light Within Empowerment – £20


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