Tag: Attunements £16- £20

Sapphires Of Angels Attunement

Sapphires of Angels

Seven sapphire connections to Archangels and their energies.  Please note that the Colours of Angels is a pre-requisite. Sapphires of Angels follows on from Stephen Lovering’s Colours Of Angels Course and is a lovely expansion and addition. Sapphires come in many colours, you do not need to buy any stones for this attunement, they are …

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Soul Mate Reiki

Soul Mate Reiki

Beautiful, simple system to connect soul mates together, whether you believe that everyone has just one soul mate or many soul mates throughout their life.  Soul Mate Reiki was channeled by Reiki Master Stephanie Brail in 2007. This is a very gentle, pure energy form. In her manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, …

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Bear Reiki Attunement

Connect to Bear energies of strength, fortitude, intuition and more. This is a lovely empowerment to bear energies. The bear is an important power animal and can greatly help you in your spiritual path and healing sessions. This energy “gives insight, brings in new energies, and is loving and protective. Bear Reiki Attunement was channeled …

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Phoenix Rising Reiki Attunement

Phoenix Rising Reiki

  Clear negative energy patterns and promote positive change. Phoenix Rising Reiki is a wonderfully powerful attunement channelled by Reiki Master Linda Colibert in 2006. In her manual to accompany this attunement the founder explains, “This beautiful bird of Myth and Magic is generally seen in the colors of red, golden yellow, and sometimes the …

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Kundalini Reiki Boosters

Kundalini Reiki Boosters

  Please note you will need to be  attuned to Kundalini Reiki  to receive Kundalini Reiki Boosters Attunement There are 6 boosters in Kundalini Reiki Boosters. Kundalini Boosters 1-2-3 These boosters strengthen and and further open the Kundalini Channel. Each of these attunements strengthens the previously received attunements: Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. With each step all chakras, …

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Ethereal Flowers Reiki Attunement

Ethereal connection to 38 Flowers for healing, wellbeing and more. Ethereal Flowers Reiki are two lovely, gentle attunements by Ole Gabrielsen that will help you  make powerful flower remedies in minutes. Through the Ethereal Flowers Reiki attunements you gain access to a specific flower’s energy and can channel it by intention without the need for …

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