Tag: Top 6 Reiki attunements to make you feel good

6 Ways to Increase Your Vibration

Increase Your Vibration

Everything around us is made up of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Scientific research has shown that a healthy body normally vibrates at around 62-68hz whilst lower frequencies suggest a weakened immune system and illness. There are many factors that can cause a lower vibration; negative thoughts, electromagnetic frequencies from mobile phones, eating mass produced …

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Top 6 Abundance Reiki Attunements

Tope 6 Abundance Reiki Attunements

Abundance is something I often get asked about. Abundance Reiki can be used to attract anything in your life that you want to have a lot more of, whether it is wealth, prosperity, good health, peace, love, friends, etc. Abundance Reiki helps you to lift your vibration so that you are vibrating at the level …

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Top 6 Protection Reiki Attunements

Top 6 Protection Reiki Attunements

I am asked a lot about Protection Reiki, whether it is for use during energy work or protecting your energies from energetic vampires and psychic attack, protecting yourself and your energies is an important part of healing and lightwork, so I’ve compiled a list of my top 6 protection Reiki attunements. There are loads more …

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