Tag: Harmonise Body Mind and Spirit

Top 6 Reiki Attunements to Make You Feel Good

Top 6 Reiki Attunements to Make you feel good

All Lightworkers and energy healers can feel a little depleted sometimes, the nature of our work means that energy levels are constantly changing and sometimes we all need a little boost, so I’ve compiled a list of my top 6 Reiki attunements to make you feel good! These are some energies that I use regularly …

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Healing Crisis

Healing Crisis

Occasionally when people receive an energy attunement or energy healing, whether it is chakra balancing, Reiki or whatever form, they experience a healing crisis after and actually feel worse before they feel better. This can sometimes have a negative effect as people focus on the crisis and not on how they felt after they had …

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Develop a Positive Outlook

Develop a Positive Outlook

We are all faced with problems in our lives, whether small problems on a day to day basis or great problems that will potentially change your life. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and everything appears daunting, but if you develop a positive outlook small problems become insignificant and then those great big ones seem …

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Lift Your Spirits, Four Quick and Easy Ways.

Lift Your Spirits

Are you feeling the Winter Blues? I know the short days often take their toll on me, so here are four quick and easy ways to lift your spirits that you can try any time. 1. Breathe Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed and palms on your lap. Take a slow and deep breath …

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