Tag: Four Quick and Easy Ways

Happiness and Gratitude

Happiness and Gratitude

There are many, many studies that link happiness and gratitude, basically the more grateful you are the happier you are. I’m not trying to establish the link here I just want to share with you a recent experience I had that made me think about the link between happiness and gratitude. Recently, after going through …

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Boost Your Energy Levels

Boost Your Energy Levels

From time to time we may all feel that energy lull through the day, but sometimes our energy levels seem to be in a constant lull! Here are some quick and easy ways to maintain and boost your energy levels through your day. 1) Keep to the same sleep pattern-Your body gets into a rhythm …

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Harmonise Body Mind and Spirit

Harmonise body mind and spirit

Bringing your body, mind, and spirit into harmony can be a tough job! One essential part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Whether it’s through dance, …

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Laughter The Best Medicine

Laughter the Best Medicine

Is laughter the best medicine?  Laughter certainly has enormous amounts of health benefits ranging from positively affecting diabetes, lowering risks of heart attacks, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, improving emotional health, strengthen your immune system and much more! Do you remember how much you laughed when you were a child? Children on average laugh hundreds …

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Creating your Own Meditation Space

Meditation Space

Having a Meditation Space can be a very important part of having meditation in your life. It can become part of your ritual. The space doesn’t have to be huge, just a secluded nook in the home where you can be quiet, a place where you can relax, calm down and meditate. A place to …

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Develop a Positive Outlook

Develop a Positive Outlook

We are all faced with problems in our lives, whether small problems on a day to day basis or great problems that will potentially change your life. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and everything appears daunting, but if you develop a positive outlook small problems become insignificant and then those great big ones seem …

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How to Avoid Colds and Flu Naturally

Avoid colds and flu

It’s that time of year again…time to boost the immune system and prepare for Winter. If you want to avoid colds and flu, or at least making sure they don’t take hold should you be unfortunate enough to get one, there are many natural ways to do so. Some tips on boosting your immune system …

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Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

The Yin and Yang symbol is a result of the Chinese Philosophy in regards to how the universe functions. The black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies called “Yin” and “Yang”; they are not completely black or white nor can they exist without each other. The curve of the …

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Smiling and it’s many benefits


Recently I’ve been trying to smile more. I’ve noticed that whenever I smile I feel so much better. It’s not that I don’t smile because I’m unhappy, I just seem to have lost the habit, or if I do smile, it’s quick and fleeting. I’m practising smiling more,  smiling longer and just because I can. …

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Guided by Spirit not Driven by EGO

driven by ego

The ego can be seen in many aspects of a person’s character. It is often identified as arrogance, jealousy, fear, stubbornness, judgement, etc. It is also that little voice inside us that stops us from being in the present moment by using worry, fear and anxiety. However, many people do not realise that they are …

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