Tag: Daily Meditation

I am I Meditation

I am I Meditation

This meditation is a form of mantra and positive thinking that can help boost self-esteem, promote personal power and self-love. “I am I” meditation is simple meditation technique that can be practised by anyone and gives empowering, positive results instantly. I am I Meditation -Prepare for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, anything …

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Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude Meditation

Regularly expressing gratitude is a simple and amazing way to manifest into your physical world more of the good stuff that you want. It can quickly and effectively improve your health, well-being, relationships, lifestyle, etc. The practise of expressing gratitude promotes a more positive, hopeful and resilient mindset. The following gratitude meditation can help you …

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Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation

This  Chakra Meditation can help to reboot your chakras, bringing balance and harmony and helping you feel energized and vibrant. So, before we start, just a quick recap….the 7 main Chakras are energy centres that run from the base of your spine up, along the spine, to the top of your head. These energy centres …

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Meditation for Positive Thinking

Meditation for Positive Thinking

This is a short, easy to follow meditation for positive thinking that can help you to re-programme your mind to focus on the good things in life and in turn attract more of those things to you. Our minds are constantly bombarded by thoughts, experiences, emotions, etc. and because our mind acts as our inbuilt …

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Energy Meditation

Energy Meditation

Energy meditation is a form of meditation that focuses your attention on how everything is made up of energy. It is a simple meditation that is beneficial to the body, mind and spirit. Physically and emotionally this meditation will help you lower stress levels and create a feeling of liberation and peace. If practised regularly …

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Mind Calm

Mind Calm

Mind calm is the process of bringing your mind to a place of complete calm and stillness and can have enormous health benefits for you. When the mind is calm and free from the constant chatter and noise of the day we move into a place of peace and perfect ease, a place where self-healing …

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Self-healing and Energy Workers


Practising self-healing is one of the most important parts of being a Lightworker or energy worker. Unless you are running in tip top condition you will deplete your own energies very quickly  when trying to help others. All energy workers are more than happy to help out if they can, sending healing to others, sending …

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Walking Meditation

walking meditation

A walking meditation is an easy and simple way to bring meditation practises into your everyday life. Many of us in this busy life that we lead walk less and less, we take a bus, the car, we sit for long periods, but walking is such a great way to exercise and if you turn …

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Meditation Mantras

Meditation Mantras

Meditation mantras are words or collection of words, which have the potential and the ability to free you from all limitations and limiting beliefs. How can the repetition of a word or a few words have the capacity to bring about such miraculous results? It’s quite simple, based on the psychological principle, “as you think, …

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Harmonise Body Mind and Spirit

Harmonise body mind and spirit

Bringing your body, mind, and spirit into harmony can be a tough job! One essential part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Whether it’s through dance, …

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